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aprilsimnel's avatar

What body wash will do the moisturizing job?

Asked by aprilsimnel (30754points) February 3rd, 2009

I need a recommendation for decent body bath wash with some sort of oil or moisturizer. Lotion seems to evaporate off my skin, leaving it really, really dry and Eucerin is basically Vaseline. Ugh. Oil of Olay at one point a couple of years ago had an awesome body bath wash that worked well for my skin, but the formulation changed and now it does bupkis.

Most of the so-called moisturizing bath washes have a heck of a lot of sodium lauryl sulfates or its derivatives, which I’m trying to stay away from. Right now I’m using Dr Bronner castile soap body wash, which smells nice and cleans well, but it’s not moisturizing. Help! Thanks.

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12 Answers

gailcalled's avatar

Having turned into a crocodile as I age, I use a massage oil flavored with almonds and lavender instead of lotion for my skin. It is light, lovely and mildly aromatic. However, I put it on after drying. I love Dr. Bronner for my cashmere sweaters.

elijah's avatar

I can have extremely dry and sensative skin, so I understand where your coming from. I’m sorry I can’t recomend a good wash, as I don’t use them, but I can recommend a great lotion- Vaseline intensive rescue clinical therapy. It has worked amazing for me this winter. I had tried other Vaseline lotions before and they weren’t great, but I swear this stuff works!

DrasticDreamer's avatar

Get pure vitamin E oil, or a lotion that has cocoa or shea butter that also contains vitamin E. Nothing is better for dry skin than vitamin E, though. They have a lot of options on, and a lot of them are really cheap. I actually just bought vitamin E oil from there and I’m waiting for it to arrive. :)

Neutrogena has a sesame bath oil (you can also put it directly onto skin after the bath), which I’ve heard good things about, but I chose the vitamin E route instead, just because I know how awesome it is for skin. Good luck.

Lightlyseared's avatar

I would recomend using aqueous cream instead of a soap based product to wash with however I have no idea if you can get it in the US.

yedatipot's avatar

try these:

-unrefined shea butter – it’s a moisturizer
-Burt’s Bees Body wash
-extra virgin organic coconut oil(again, a moisturizer, the best, pure natural and the best for skin) health food stores, whole foods, or
I use it for the whole body, and after shave. And I of course don’t use any ‘aftershaves’ perfumes, which only dry the skin of the face.

Emdean1's avatar

Aveeno works WONDERS try that! Make sure you eat plenty of Almonds (if your not allergic to nuts) this helps your skin in the winter time.

artificialard's avatar

Kiehl’s products are superb – all natural, light but delicious, and great for the skin that washes off clean, not dry.

It’s expensive but worth it…

augustlan's avatar

Here’s a homemade exfoliant that I love! 3 parts brown sugar to 1 part olive or baby oil. It leaves my skin smooth and moisturized. Just make sure you only mix the two just before using, and only mix enough to use at one time. I keep a little canister of brown sugar in my bathroom just for that, and mix it in a small plastic cup.

aprilsimnel's avatar

@augustlan – Oooh! And cheap, too! This is great. And the aqueous cream sounds delightful. Thanks. Add on more if you have ideas, please!

gailcalled's avatar

Here’s where I buy my lavender and almond oil, which I use everywhere but face.

desiree333's avatar

bupkis… LOL that is funny.
Anyways Dove extra moisturizing body wash should do the trick. It creamier than most body washes, great product.

WilAthart's avatar

i enjoy using dove. and this may seem odd but conditioner. yes i am aware that this is for your skin. but try it! it leaves your skin incredibly soft and hydrated! if it works for your hair….

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