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SQUEEKY2's avatar

The Republicans like blaming Biden for inflation, how is that his fault?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23182points) November 13th, 2022

Up here in Canada we are seeing massive inflation, is that the President’s fault as well?

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17 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

A significant portion of the world wide inflation is a result of the Russian war in Ukraine. That war has disrupted food deliveries and energy costs.

Republicans blame Biden because they do not want to point to the real culprit, Vladimir Putin. The Republicans are in bed with the Russians to the point of being treasonous.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@zenvelo that is what I thought.

Demosthenes's avatar

The president in power always gets blame for a bad economy or credit for a good one. It’s no different with Biden. Ultimately the president often doesn’t have much to do with it. This inflation is the result of many things, including the war in Ukraine, yes, but also the lingering effects of the pandemic. There is no one cause, though certainly worldwide inflation (because it is happening outside the United States, for those who think the world doesn’t exist outside our borders) was not caused by the U.S. government alone.

Jaxk's avatar

Unfortunately most of the inflation woes go back to oil. It is a bit surprising that only about 46% of our oil goes to making gasoline. So when the prices of oil increases so does almost everything you use and even the products not using oil to manufacture, use oil to transport. Biden has put a strangle hold on oil production in the US and we are the biggest oil producer in the world. Seems like That would have an impact worldwide. To make matters worse, Biden has alienated the Saudi’s with his rhetoric and his support for the Iranians to the point that they have reduced production. There are other factors like the war in the Ukraine but most of this can be traced back to Biden.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

So @Jaxk the rest of the worlds inflation woes are Bidens fault as well?

Jaxk's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 – I find it interesting that you have no problem placing all the blame on Putin but when faced with reality, it can’t be Biden.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Did Biden invade a sovereign nation, with no reason other than to add to his legacy, so yeah I blame Putin for this inflation, that and the greedy oil companies cutting production in order to keep the fuel prices sky high.

Demosthenes's avatar

I don’t really care about politicians, and I think it’s fine when we blame them for stuff. That said, it is interesting to me that we never, ever blame corporations. The greatest achievement of the oil companies was convincing most people that they have nothing to do with the price of oil.

Entropy's avatar

Here’s the thing. The US President USUALLY has minimal effect on the economy in good or bad ways. But the media insists that we evaluate everything instantly with hot takes, and it’s become a cultural instinct. Biden was trying to take credit for the good things in the economy he had nothing to do with, so he doesn’t really get to whine about getting the blame for the bad things he has nothing to do with.

On inflation, there’s alot of factors, but the Fed is the main culprit. Every central bank on Earth pumped out massive amounts of money during covid, and so we all have way more money chasing fewer goods (due to the economic slowdowns). Sure, there are other factors too, but this is the big one.

Is Biden to blame? A little. He has been engaged in fiscal blowouts, and that drives the Fed to print more money to finance it. But so did Trump, and so did Obama before him, and Bush before him. Turns out, both parties really really, REALLY like deficit spending. Democrats talk about taxes, but never really want to deliver. Republicans talk about spending cuts, but never really want to deliver. That money needs to be financed, and the bipartisan secret is that they both expect the Fed to fill that role. And it does.

filmfann's avatar

With inflation being a worldwide issue, anyone who cares about the truth could not blame Biden.

Zaku's avatar

@filmfann Yes. And who doesn’t really care a fig about truth? A certain US political party which pretends the 2020 election was “stolen”, that Biden is an extreme left-wing radical, which takes credit for popular bills that they all voted against, etc.

In fact, while supply costs and the war in Ukraine no doubt have their effects, I agree with Robert Reich that Corporate greed, not wages, is behind inflation. .

Blackwater_Park's avatar

Biden has cause some blunders with oil but on the whole, this is mostly a supply chain issue. You can blame current events for this, but I don’t. Current events happen, we were not ready for them. I blame Toyota and Motorola. Why? They popularized lean manufacturing where supply chain transitioned to this familiar “just in time” model. Inventory is considered waste and thus, we built a house of cards where there should have been structure and reserve supply. I had to study this crap at work and in grad school. Clearly this was one of the largest contributors to the problems we have with supply chain and by extension, the economy. Don’t forget that some companies were boasting record profits. Well, that’s gouging. Some of the price hiking is blatantly opportunistic.

Kropotkin's avatar

Biden personally commanded the capitalist class to keep raising their prices on everything, even in sectors with no real supply issues.

Zaku's avatar

@Kropotkin Yeah, I’ve got the “Biden Command” letter I got right here . . . /s

HP's avatar

@Kropotkin Sarcasm at the notion that Biden has an infallible “personal” hand on the magic inflation lever.

Kropotkin's avatar

@Zaku It was done with subtle gestures, tone of voice, and micro expressions.

Nomore_'s avatar

@zenvelo Said it all, nothing more to add.

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