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rebbel's avatar

If psychedelics were to quicken the feats in science, would you applaud the use?

Asked by rebbel (35553points) December 27th, 2021

Think astronomy, the medical field, energy matters.
Where can you see possible breakthroughs?

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5 Answers

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I have a difficult time imagining breakthroughs in the hard sciences by using psychedelics. It’s possible in the soft sciences like sociology, psychology, etc.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Your question implies a huge leap of faith – that psychedelics would in fact, accelerate scientific discovery. That’s a HUGE if.

Still, if it were proven true, then why not? Creative people have all sorts of strange habits. Authors in the 1800s regularly took various drugs Hemingway was a huge drinker. But that didn’t stop them from being creative and thinking well.

nikipedia's avatar

Sure, but in the words of the legendary Carl Sagan, “Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.” I follow the research on psychedelics pretty closely and so far remain a skeptic in many respects.

rebbel's avatar

Interesting answers, Jellies, thank you!

SquirrelEStuff's avatar

“ FRANCIS CRICK, the Nobel Prize-winning father of modern genetics, was under the influence of LSD when he first deduced the double-helix structure of DNA nearly 50 years ago.”

Steve Jobs on LSD:

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