General Question

nettodo's avatar

A retailer charges one card, but lists another; what should the customer do?

Asked by nettodo (473points) December 29th, 2014

Recently, I bought some tea online. At the retailer’s online checkout, I entered my card details and let it save, but didn’t complete the transaction. A bit later, I remembered that this retailer had PayPal for checkout (personal preference). I went back and completed the transaction using my PayPal account. However, my PayPal account had a different card linked to it than the card I had entered earlier. When my tea arrived, the retailer included a receipt, including the last four digits of the card used. The last four digits of the card were the ones that I had typed earlier, not those of the card that I had linked in PayPal. However, when I checked the transactions, the card linked to PayPal was charged, but not the card they had listed on the receipt (as I assumed). Should I do anything at this point? If they have my money, does it matter to communicate and say that a different card was listed than the card that got charged?

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5 Answers

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Were you charged TWICE for the tea?

Sounds like your changing your mind caused Credit Card to replace your “Pay Pal” card.

nettodo's avatar

I was only charged once (thankfully).

zenvelo's avatar

So what happened was that everything was all set on card one, but then you switched payment method after they were ready for you to click BUY. So while it went against the account you wanted, all the fields still had your other cards info for the receipt.

No harm no foul, but in the future I would be careful dealing with that company because their system seems a little rudimentary.

JLeslie's avatar

If you were only charged once I wouldn’t worry. If you are very worried about it you can call and just see what they say. Basically, they never “captured” the original sale and first credit card. I don’t even see how that card wound up on the receipt.

I would check the original card for the charge. Either call that credit card or check it online. However you do it. You can wait for the statement also. Check this month and next month.

bomyne's avatar

If you are worried about it, look up their customer service number or email and give them a shout. :)

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