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MyNewtBoobs's avatar

What obituary language can you translate for us?

Asked by MyNewtBoobs (19064points) January 2nd, 2011

I was reading this:
Writers of obituaries have always been drawn to the vagueness of suffer-fools-gladly. Obits, of course, frequently appear in code. “Confirmed bachelor,” for instance, means homosexual, and “lived life to the full” often means a drunk. I recently came across an English writer who, translating obituary language, explained that “didn’t suffer fools gladly” means “cantankerous old git.”

What others are you aware of?

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12 Answers

filmfann's avatar

Free Spirit means substance abuser, or slut.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@filmfann Depending on the gender of the person in question, or does it go either way?

zenvelo's avatar

I always thought “free spirit” meant for a man either couldn’t hold down a job, or left his family behind as he moved around a lot. for a woman it meant didn’t work but dabbled with art in different media but never finished anything.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

From Urban Dictionary (so feel free to dispute): Character
An alcoholic (euphemism). Used by local newspapers when reporting the death of winos. Usually a “character” is of no fixed abode, or at least of very limited means.

Respectable dead alcoholics, by contrast, are merely “convivial”; even if they are crazed ranters they would be “convivial and garrulous”.
“Mr Brew was a popular local character, normally to be found by the war memorial in the high street”.

filmfann's avatar

@papayalily I would never limit the term “Slut” to just one sex.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@filmfann You wouldn’t, but what about the people using the term?

AstroChuck's avatar

He had a “feckless charm” means he was “a real f**k up”.

El_Cadejo's avatar

does “loved to laugh” stand for something because I always hated that one. I mean who the fuck doesnt like to laugh? Just picture someone laughing and then getting really pissed off afterward lol

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

I know that at some point, long ago (Medieval or Early Modern Europe) saying that he wore “pointy shoes” was code for homosexual. But I’m having trouble remembering when (or who).

EDIT: Ha! I remembered (ok, Googled properly)!!!! William Rufus. William II, the Norman King of England from 1087 until 1100. He wore ”shoes with curved points”.

Brian1946's avatar

Horizontally inclined meant lazy during the reign of the Hapsburgs.



MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@Brian1946 Your source just leads to your comment on this thread.

Blueroses's avatar

A borderline rapist described as “an uncompromisingly direct ladies-man”
“Tireless raconteur” – bore
“Devotedly attached to his ideals” – fascist
“Gave colourful accounts of his exploits” – liar

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